Thursday, April 23, 2009


This afternoon Ryan and I were headed out the door to take Katelyn on a walk and enjoy the beautiful weather..... BUT since our little angel is a newborn she made her classic "poo" face before we walk out the door, so we had to capture it! It always makes us laugh because she makes this face and we know very soon that it is time to change her diaper AGAIN!:)

Okay Mom.... I am finished and ready for you to change my diaper!!

Now she is ready for her walk, but we better get home soon because it will be time to eat again!! Isn't her bonnet adorable? Thanks Me-Maw!
Update: Katelyn turned 6 weeks yesterday and is starting to smile:) It makes Ryan and I so happy! She is going through a growth spurt so she is starting to eat every 2-2 1/2 hrs. during the day again! However, the good news is she is sleeping 5-6 hrs. at night now! What a blessing! She is such a good baby and we cherish each day! She is tolerating tummy time daily and starting to get strong neck extensors and doing well with visual tracking of an object.


  1. It's hard to believe how much she has grown in 6 weeks. What a precious angel. Snuggle up!

  2. Love the facial expressions you captured!!! Too cute!!! Sending much love to all of the Allens!!!
