I love that toothless grin
Her new favorite thing: SWINGING IN THE BACKYARD!
Sitting pretty ready for church:)
At 8 months old Katelyn is:
- still nursing 5 times a day (getting solids 3 times a day). She loves to eat all veggies/fruits except for peas!!
- crawling everywhere! & getting into everything! & putting everything! in her mouth
- can wave goodbye ( it is so cute because she waves backwards and stares at her hand when she does it)
- loves patty cake and if you're happy and you know it (actually loves all songs!! especially when Mema sings them) My Mom knows all the words to songs,but I sing stuff to Katelyn and just make things up...
- looks for dropped objects off of her highchair
- loves music and books (especially with texture)
- can rake a small toy toward her and pick it up
- Momma's girl lately: we are dealing with separation anxiety BIG TIME!
- loves to be outside (swinging in the backyard/park, having a picnic in the backyard or going on walks in her stroller
- looks to people & pets when named (Me, Ryan, Bailey)
- attempts to gain our attention by vocalizing (aka screaming or coughing loudly)-SO FUNNY!
- reaches for objects and able to trasnfer items from one hand to another
Mom & Dad
He is pretty much back to normal. He had his stitches out this week. He still has to wear his collar a couple more weeks, but it still makes me sad to look at him. He now looks like a bird dog Shih Tzu. Kind of strange right? But we love him and all his quirks. Thanks for continued prayers & support. We are thankful that he is alive and healthy. God is so good and faithful!!