Friday, April 10, 2009

One Month Old Today!

It is so hard to believe that Katelyn is already one month old! Ryan and I were talking today about how much our lives have changed in the past month and how we didn't realize HOW MUCH our lives would change.

Ways our lives have changed since Katelyn was born:
1. How awesome our God is that he blessed us with this beautiful, healthy baby girl and we thank God every day for bringing this "angel" into our lives
2. We never knew that an 8 pound 4 ounce baby could truly keep us running and busy 24/7! That is why God makes it a team. I truly don't know how single parents do it!
3. Lack of sleep... People say your body adjusts and it has to some degree, but it is funny that I now get excited if I get a 2 hour stretch of sleep at a time.
4. I really am trying to learn to nap in the day. It is not easy! We are go getters and we are used to staying busy in the day, so it is hard to nap.
5. I never knew HOW OFTEN babies pee and poop and how many times you change their diapers. Wow, I change her and then 10 seconds later sometimes she cries and we change her again! Katelyn doesn't like to be wet for one second:)
6. How exhausting motherhood is, but also the most rewarding job in the world
7. How much love I could have for a human being... It is such a deep love that you can't imagine it until you meet her
8. How upsetting it is to hear your baby cry and you don't know what to do
9. Having a child has made our marriage even stronger and closer than we knew possible, it is been a very emotional time for us
10. Breastfeeding isn't easy, but I know it took both of us for me to be successful with it as I recovered from surgery
11. How blessed we are to have supportive family that lives close and we couldn't have made it this last month without them. We didn't realize how much help we would need. Raising a baby takes a village!
12. How long it takes to not only get myself ready, but how much preparation it takes to just walk out the door (car seat, burp cloths, diapers, wipes, extra outfit, etc.)
13. I am learning to become a really fast eater and do things one handed:)
14. How good it makes you feel when you are the only one who can calm your child because "you are the momma"
15. How thankful we are for all our parents sacrificed for us. I guess you don't realize it as much until you are a parent yourself


  1. It's amazing how much she has grown in one month! What a blessing that she is so healthy and such a good baby. Her parents are amazing too.

  2. Hey Mel! You look great!!! I am ready to come meet your little angel. I'm enjoying your blog too!!! Love ya, Susan
