Sunday, June 28, 2009


Katelyn before we left for church dressed in her new dress, hat, & shoes

She is posing thinking.. I can't believe we made it out of the house this early!

She is already such a "Daddy's girl"

We are excited to announce that we officially made it to Sunday School today and we were so excited to reconnect with some of our old friends.
We haven't been in a couple of months and numerous couples brought their babies, so it was so fun to see everyone again. Katelyn did a great job and was very good during the class & even when we all went to lunch after. We look forward to trying to make it every week! We decided that we think the key is for me to get ready before she even wakes up which isn't easy for me as I LOVE MY SLEEP!:)

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Okay to all of you fellow bloggers, I have seen some really cool and fancy blogs with digital scrapbooking. I have NO idea how you do that.... Any tips? I feel like the Allens blog needs some updating and I want to work on it this weekend. Hopefully Katelyn will take good naps, so I will have a little time. How do you add pictures to the side of your blog? I love that!:) I probably just need to play around under blogspot some more, but I have to go to BED in case my sweet little princess decides to wake up..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Abby (8 months old) & Katelyn (3 months-almost 4): New BFF's

William(3 years old) & Aimee
Today we went to Guadalajara in the Woodlands for a lunch date and had so much fun! The girls did so well and barely made a peep almost the whole meal. I am continuing to learn some great tips from Aimee because she is wonderful Mom. We are excited our girls are so close in age and will be able to play together.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Katelyn & Ryan: She is so blessed to have such a good Daddy!

Katelyn posing in her first bikini E-V-E-R! Thanks Aunt Katie! We took lots of pictures just for you! We wish you were here to see her get in the pool for the 1st time!

Ryan bought this pool and it is perfect for one person to be able to lay out and get some S-U-N! It was the perfect day to do that for the 1st day of summer! Although it has been feeling HOT in Conroe for awhile! We need some rain...

She really enjoyed laying on the raft and kicking her legs in the water. Don't worry everyone she was NEVER in direct sunlight. We probably had her in the pool for 10 minutes in the shade and then it was naptime! What a great day! Ryan we love you and we are so blessed to have you as a wonderful Father and husband!!:)

Saturday, June 20, 2009


This past week I got together with a bunch of girls from high school at Chuy's and we had so much fun! Guess what the topic of discussion was the whole night..........BABIES! I really don't think we talked about much else and I am so thankful for all of these ladies. All of their babies are older than Katelyn so they gave me great tips! I have known these girls almost all of my life and it is so neat to all still keep in touch!

Susan, Mel, Lindsey

Friday, June 19, 2009


I lost my camera for a couple of days this week, so I am behind on my blogging! Katelyn has started finding her feet this week! Her newest thing is bringing her feet up in the bouncy chair and kicking the items hanging down. It is so cute to watch her!
Hanging in the bouncy chair having fun!

Snug as a bug in a rug! We love Katelyn's newest developmental milestone.. She loves to sleep in her own "big girl crib"! We still occasionally have some night wakings, but it is not very often. Our little girl has gotten strong though and is able to get out of her swaddle, so Ryan aka "swaddlemaster" came up with the double swaddle technique and it works like a charm! When she is not swaddled, she is still waking herself up from naps. She hasn't learned to nap much unless she is sleeping on Mommy!

She has also discovered her hands more this week and bringing them to her mouth often & drooling ALOT more. We are wondering if she is starting teething or if it is just a comfort measure

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


All dressed up for church-unfortunately Mommy & Daddy were too late to make it this time! Maybe it will be better next week!

3 months old today!

This is her new face when she is starting to smirk, so precious!

In this picture, she is laughing out loud in delight... She is such a happy baby!

Okay Mom, enough pictures for today!

UPDATE: Katelyn has been sleeping 10-12 hours at night the last couple of days! We are thrilled as we know how important sleep is for her development. We are excited because we are starting to get sleep as well! We weren't sure if this day would ever come:)

Friday, June 5, 2009


Courtney, Lisa, Leslie, Mel at Lisa's house before we left for our fun "Mom's night out"

Courtney and I at Cru Wine Bar

Hanging out at Crush in The Woodlands.....
Tonight we decided to go out for a "Mom's Night Out" and we had such a good time getting to know one another better! It is so wonderful because all of our babies are only 2 weeks apart and it is great to be able to share experiences and stories with other Moms that are in the same phase of life as you. Also, we got a much needed break to just eat dinner and feel pretty without spit up or drool on us!