Katelyn & Ryan: She is so blessed to have such a good Daddy!
Katelyn posing in her first bikini E-V-E-R! Thanks Aunt Katie! We took lots of pictures just for you! We wish you were here to see her get in the pool for the 1st time!
Ryan bought this pool and it is perfect for one person to be able to lay out and get some S-U-N! It was the perfect day to do that for the 1st day of summer! Although it has been feeling HOT in Conroe for awhile! We need some rain...
She really enjoyed laying on the raft and kicking her legs in the water. Don't worry everyone she was NEVER in direct sunlight. We probably had her in the pool for 10 minutes in the shade and then it was naptime! What a great day! Ryan we love you and we are so blessed to have you as a wonderful Father and husband!!:)
Look at much she has grown! Love the kini on her! :) And that she has a bow on with it in the first picture!