Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This was her birthday outfit for her 1st birthday party! It was princess theme.. of course;0

This was my bunting that I had as a little girl and my Mom saved it! Who knew that it would actually snow in Texas that my sweet little girl could wear it! How special! Thanks Mom for saving this for all of these years!

This little girl still loves Mum Mums!

She really got into unwrapping presents.... We would have her open 1-2 presents a day for like 2 weeks instead of opening up her gifts from everyone all at once... She really had a good time each day learning what she got from everyone!

Happy 1st Birthday Princess... (dinner on her birthday!)

She loves to look outside and point to all the trees, grass, sunshine.. you name it!

1st attempt at pigtails!:)
At one year Katelyn is:
  • 29 1/2 inches
  • 21 lbs. 11 oz.
  • very attached to Mommy/Daddy again (doesn't like us out of her sight for very long)
  • She dances on command with/without music (We call it her "shimmy shake") She even dances when she is excited (i.e. if she gets her way or if she is happy to see you)
  • She blows kisses for attention! (with big fish lips and a smack!)
  • Still a great sleeper (12 hrs a night with 2 naps about 1 1/2 hours)
  • Still nursing 2x a day.. She has thrown up 4 different kind of organic cow's milk, so we are now on toddler formula which she still doesn't like the taste(she only wants breastmilk!) little stinker, so we are actively weaning and trying to get her used to toddler formula at this time. She is a good eater with all solids! Loves her veggies, sweet potatoes, chicken, etc
  • got her 1st ear infection:( She has 4 teeth coming through right now..
  • Definitely her Momma's girl and like me already in so many ways (She doesn't like to be dirty.. For example, she wouldn't eat her cake on 2 different tries because she didn't want to put her hand in it!, she doesn't like socks....I put them on and she immediately takes them off.. Hmm. sounds familiar!)
  • Loves to go for a wagon walk every day
  • Loves to push her baby around the house and her shopping cart
  • Loves her books... we read to her every day
  • Can do a dog bark, say MaMa, DaDa, off, Buh for Bailey
  • Starting to feed herself with a spoon (sometimes, but it is messy!)
  • Learning her body parts (knows her nose, eyes, ears, hair) and wants to go over it again and again and again:)
  • Wants to open ever cabinet and drawer and pull up on everything! and pull everything out of the cabinet/drawer... We are working on clean up, clean up.. get one thing out at a time.. ha.ha.. a girl can dream right:)
  • Loves her sippy cup, picks up tiny objects, plays patty cake and loves this little piggy..
  • Loves climbing through her tunnel and playing in her Barbie house and loves to swing! We all love to be outside

Wow, this was one fast year and it was the most memorable/wonderful year of our lives.

We love you baby Kate! Are you now a toddler? Nah, not officially until you walk right?


Mommy and Daddy


  1. Can't believe she is already one!!! Thanks for sharing Sid!!!

  2. Oh my those little piggy tails. She looks just like you in that bunting. We are loving every minute having Katelyn in our lives. Shake it up baby......

  3. Congratulations on the 1 year mark!!! She sounds like a delight : ) And of course she's darling
