MeMa and Katelyn: Katelyn loves her Mema & so do I! Thank you Mom for all you do for us! We love you so much and appreciate you!
I love this onesie-"I am the princess, We'll do things my way!" Isn't that the truth?
Our little one is six months old, Is that possible? How did she become 1/2 year already. SIX. MONTHS. OLD.
Katelyn's stats when she went to Dr. C on 09/11/09
Length: 27 1/4 inches (90-95%)
Weight: 18 lbs. 5 ounces (75-90%)
Dr. C was very pleased with her progress and said "keep doing what we are doing"
At 6 months Katelyn is:
- sitting independently without support of her arms (Yay!Sometimes she will topple over especially if reaching for something to her far right or left)
- still waking up at night-sometimes once, sometimes twice...She usually will nurse and go right back to sleep
- imitates speech sounds (imitated twice saying uh oh!) Ashley you are my witness!
- 3 naps a day (1st two 1 1/2-2 hours) 3 rd nap 45 min-1 hr.
- looks at and studies objects for a long time(sometimes I wonder what all she is thinking about & I just see her absorbing all this information & learning!)
- holds onto objects in one hand and transfers to the other hand
- puts EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING IN HER MOUTH! Today, she grabbed Bailey's ear and tried to put the fur in her mouth! Luckily Bailey handled it well! I think it will be the 1st of many times she wants to get Bailey's attention!
- babbles ALOT
- loves itsy bitsy spider, pat a cake, peek a boo
- loves to grab Mommy's hair (I now wear it in a ponytail almost everyday!)
- loves to feel different textures (especially her blanket!)
- loves Mommy/Daddy to read to her
- Nurses 6 times a day
- Loves rice cereal-HATES OATMEAL (not just gagged, but threw it up!) It was lovely!(note the sarcasm here)
Katelyn you are our pride & joy!
We love you more than all...
Mommy & Daddy
Baby Beluga six hard to believe! ILYMT!