Sunday, August 23, 2009


First time to ride in her new stroller! We had to cross the straps as the stroller is still a little bit too big for her

1st time she sat in her highchair and ate dinner with us. She was so funny as while we were talking at the dinner table she was babbling with us!

Did we really pack this many bags for a ONE NIGHT STAY to Galveston?! YES! Ryan and I never knew how much stuff you need for one little baby!

1st time K got to use her new suitcase and her sunglasses!

Hat too! She is now ready for the beach! Galveston, here we come!

We made it after one stop to nurse and another to change a blow out diaper! Onto the 2nd outfit for the day, NO PROBLEM:) Why do the messiest diapers seem to be in the car?! Thanks Laura for the Piddle Pad recommendation in the car seat! It came in handy already!

Chillin' on the bed at the San Luis Hotel

People are starting to think Katelyn looks like her Daddy... I think so too!

Ryan made her a make shift "activity center" on the bed

This was K's first time in a Pack & Play. Thanks Adam & Jess for letting us borrow it! She woke up multiple times in the night, but I think she wasn't sure where she was. She is so much more aware of her environment now!

View from our hotel room. Apparently, San Luis is a party hotel as they had blaring music playing from the pool until 2:30 am! We called downstairs to complain as it kept waking up Katelyn. Are we getting OLD or what?!

1st time to go swimming in a big pool!

Katelyn was sleepy after swimming

Time to go home in her new "big girl carseat". This was a first for her to ride in it and I think she LOVES being able to sit upright and look around. She did great on the drive home except for another blow out! Good thing I brought a whole box of wipes and extra outfits! We had a fun 1st adventure on our FIRST ALLEN FAMILY vacation to Galveston! Looking forward to many more!


  1. I have always thought she looks like her daddy. A friend told me this week, the first daughter always looks like their daddy. I don't know how true that is, but Emily looks like her daddy too. I hope you had fun at Galveston!!!

  2. More precious pictures! So much fun making family memories. Children teach us a lot as you go through the many stages and changes in life. Just wait until she packs for camp or college. This is practice and it has never been easy.:) LOL. Embrace them all and enjoy your family time. Remember that's the "good stuff". God has richly blessed us all.

  3. Oh my goodness...LOVE the pic of her by her suitcase!!!
